Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus, and I wrote this song on Mount Arbel in Israel. It's on the Shine CD, and I pray it blesses you!
Christmas is my favorite time of year...and my favorite music! I love writing new songs and performing the classics. Shine was released last year, and I'm very proud of it! I hope it blesses your Holiday season. There's even a couple of funny songs, so don't miss out! Click the button below to buy a physical CD or a download card. You can also stream it on all the major platforms.
Sharing experience, strength and hope
in order to touch, encourage and inspire!
Some more Christmas music to enjoy!
King of Kings - A fan favorite and my most powerful Christmas song!
Most Expensive (Wonderful) Time of the Year - Had a blast with this parody of a Christmas classic!


Jill speaks from the heart and shares powerful stories from her journey. She adds music to her presentations which adds flavor and life! Her teaching is firmly based on Biblical teaching as well, so she's perfect for your women's retreat or special event! She is a certified speaker with the John Maxwell Team.
I am passionate about music and speaking in order to touch others for Christ. I never pretend to have all the answers, because I don’t. I simply share my heart and the incredible ways God has worked in my life through the good and the bad. I keep it real!
I also get extremely passionate about helping others find their God-given purpose and find their best life possible! I believe one of the greatest ways we glorify God is by living boldly and firmly planted within our calling.
I am thrilled to be a part of Choose, a three-hour women's conference event drenched in worship, story telling, and laughter, all drenched in God's Word!
I would be honored to work with you!

Jill is thrilled to be a part of Choose -
A women's event drenched in worship, storytelling, laughter and God's truth!

Awards and Credentials
Has raised over $1 million for non-profits through her Christmas Show
Opened for the legendary Loretta Lynn
Opened for Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys
Sang a duet with NewSong
Received radio airplay on over 500 independent radio stations
Inducted into the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Became a certified member of the John Maxwell Team
Co-wrote the John Maxwell theme song "Change the World"
Certified as a Level II DISC trainer
Performed at the legendary Franklin Theatre and Bluebird Cafe in Nashville
Voted "Siouxland Woman of the Year" for her volunteer work

Jill is all in! She works full-time and travels extensively as a Singer and Speaker.
She is available for events such as:
Ministry and Fundraising Concerts
Special Events
Women's Events
Celebrate Recovery Meetings
Sunday Worship Services