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I Am…

Blog – 4-19-16 I Am…


Last week I talked about getting real with ourselves, digging deep and working through the negative issues that are underlying causes of our behaviors…saying hello so we can say goodbye. I know it resonated with many of you because of the feedback I received, so I want to expound on that thought a little bit more this week.

Once we let go of those deep issues and tell them goodbye, the crucial next step is to replace those old beliefs with truth, God’s truth that is. Not what the lies of the world would tell us, but what God’s word tells us.

I know a vast majority of us don’t feel pretty enough, smart enough, brave enough, likable enough…the list goes on and on. Any achievements we do attain or success we enjoy is quickly overshadowed by perceived failures.

It’s time we take our thoughts captive and start replacing those negative voices with life-changing truth. We are who God says we are, forgiven, loved, full of grace, and made in His image. When we let that truth sink deep into our wounded, tired souls, it changes everything.

Lies that tell us we will never be pretty enough or thin enough need to be replaced with truth that says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)


Lies that require us to do just “a little bit more” in order to gain acceptance and approval need to be replaced with truth that says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.” (Psalm 139:1)


Lies that tell us we aren’t strong enough to do the things God is calling us to do need to be replaced by truth that says, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)


Lies that tell us we aren’t lovable because of our sin need to be replaced by truth that says, “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2:4-5)


Put that truth together and it’s a great little chant I think we should all start and end our day with:


Just like athletes need to pump themselves up before a big game and get their head in a positive “I can do anything” state of mind, I believe we need to attack our faith and our lives in the same manner.

Once the self-doubt that keeps us chained to our past and a prisoner of our circumstances is removed, we have the freedom to step out in faith and take the scary, uncertain next step God is asking us to take. Suddenly the calling He’s been whispering in our heart seems believable and achievable. Maybe I really could do that!

I challenge you, type these simple words on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror. When you get ready in the morning and again when you get ready for bed at night, say this chant a few times…and say it like you mean it! Your head may not believe it at first, and that’s okay. Just keep at it and allow the Spirit to do a work within you.

My prayer is that this simple exercise will help these words become truth in your heart!

Hugs and love,


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