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From Fear to Faith

Writer's picture: Jill MillerJill Miller

From Fear to Faith

Blog – 11-15-18

We started a new series at church last week entitled, “Abraham, From Fear to Faith.” Pastor Jeff focused on trusting God for the journey. He relayed the story of God telling Abraham to go to a land that He would show him, but God didn’t say where it was. He simply said go.

And the crazy thing is, Abraham said okay!

Can you imagine leaving your home, your loved ones, your stability, everything you hold near and dear behind as you take off to an unknown destination. I truly can’t imagine that kind of faith. I chuckle a bit to myself as I imagine the modern-day conversation Abraham would have had with his wife Sarah, “Hey, God told me we have to move.”

“Okay. So where to?” Sarah most likely asked.

“I don’t have any idea. I just know we are supposed to leave.”

“Say what? You are telling me we are leaving and we have no idea where we are going?”


Wow, can you imagine the fear and doubts that must have been swirling around in Abraham’s heart. Yet he was obedient and agreed to go.

Hebrews 11:8 tells the story this way:

“By faith, Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Abraham took off without a plan, without a GPS, without even having a clue where he was going. He went totally on blind faith. And what I probably love the most about the story of Abraham is that he made mistakes along the way. He wasn’t perfect. He doubted. He disobeyed. He was just like you and me. But the one thing he always seemed to be able to do was move from fear to faith. In the end, he obeyed God. He acknowledged his sin, he remembered the faithfulness of God, and he trusted God for the journey.

I was incredibly moved by Pastor’s sermon and this story, so I came home on Sunday and wrote a song. Sometimes music speaks louder than words, so I invite you to listen to the song by clicking the button below.

Thanks, Pastor Jeff, for inspiring yet another song!

And I pray this song inspires you to move from fear to faith!

Hugs and love,


Verse 1: I confess and I believe that Jesus Christ died for me And God is in control So tell me why anxiety and all these doubts reside in me  Why can’t I let go Help me, Lord, to not forget That you are good and you protect

Chorus: Help me move from fear to faith Help me worship while I wait Silence the noise and the lies I’ve been listening to Focus my heart and my mind on only You As I move from fear to faith

Verse 2: Faith and fear can’t live together So I choose the one that’s better, I live by faith alone For I am just a traveler here Your word and truth make it clear that heaven is my home Because of you I can be strong You’re the rock I’m standing on

Chorus: Help me move from fear to faith Help me worship while I wait Silence the noise and the lies I’ve been listening to Focus my heart and my mind on only You As I move from fear to faith

Bridge: You are good, You are true, You are faithful Lord, You are strong, You are sure, You are able

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