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Live the Change

Live the Change

Blog – 4-26-17

I sit here amused at God’s timing because we are just closing out the final items to get the CD production started as I write about the very last song on the project. Every delay we have encountered, every bump we have had to push through, every computer issue that tried to make our graphic designer go crazy was known by God before we even started. And somehow as I write this His timing for this project feels perfect!

One thing is certain, everyone closely involved with it has learned patience and perseverance along the way. The enemy has not been silent, which makes me even more confident that God has big plans for this music. And don’t despair, it WILL be available VERY SOON!

The lesson of sticking with it when things get tough goes right along with Step 12, which reads, “Having had a spiritual experience as the result of these steps, we try to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” The scripture reads:

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Galatians 6:1

Transformation comes when we stick to it, when we don’t give up, when we get over the next hurdle, when we refuse to quit. Lasting change comes with being diligent and determined.

Once transformation happens, our job is fairly straight-forward, according to scripture: share that love and mercy with others, be the hands and feet of Christ, literally.

The song for Step 12 is called “Live the Change,” and it’s a fight song that we as believers can use to give us strength in our daily battles. “Go live it out, leave no doubt that you’ve been changed. Raise the roof, share the proof that Jesus saves.” Our call to action is to attract others to the Gospel by the way we live our lives. We don’t have to beat truth down people’s throats, which NEVER goes well, but we can live it out and make them ask questions. Let people notice the little ways that we live differently than the world. Let them see the joy of Jesus in our eyes. Let them hear His heavenly heartbeat in our lives.

As I listened to the final mixes last week, I sat amazed at how powerful these songs are. I had tears in my eyes over and over again. They are more than songs; they are tools to help us push back the enemy, to stand up to the darkness. They are catchy, hooky melodies that will stick with you whether you’re working out, packing lunches, sitting in traffic, or sitting still with God. The truth in the lyrics gets inside your head and helps tear the darkness down so you can go out there and live the change.

Rachel and I feel blessed that God chose us for this project and He kept us moving forward when everything inside of us wanted to quit. We are thankful for the lessons we have learned along the way, especially the hard ones. And most of all, we are beyond excited to get these fight songs in your spiritual arsenal. Whether you are in recovery or not, we know you will be encouraged, uplifted, and strengthened by this project.

I will let you know how you can order it next week.  Enjoy the last song!

Live the Change Words and music by Jill Miller and Rachel Barrentine © 2016

Verse 1: Hope has been rising like a fire in your eyes There’s no denying you’ve got a new lease on life You’ve broken out of prison You have been forgiven

Chorus: Go live it out, leave no doubt that you’ve been changed Raise the roof, share the proof that Jesus saves Shout it from the mountains, sing it in the streets Be the love of Jesus today Live the change Live the change

Verse 2: Don’t hold this excitement all to yourself Let it spill over to somebody else Go and tell your story Give God all the glory

Chorus: Go live it out, leave no doubt that you’ve been changed Raise the roof, share the proof that Jesus saves Shout it from the mountains, sing it in the streets Be the love of Jesus today Live the change Live the change

Bridge: Be the hands and be the feet Till every broken heart is free Let the grace of God be contagious Share the mercy this world needs

Chorus: Live it out, leave no doubt that you’ve been changed Raise the roof, share the proof that Jesus saves Go live it out, leave no doubt that you’ve been changed Raise the roof, share the proof that Jesus saves Shout it from the mountains, sing it in the streets Be the love of Jesus today Live the change Live the change

Hugs and love,


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