Blog – 12-16-15 Prince of Peace
For the month of December, I am focusing on the lyrics to the chorus of the title track of my new CD, “King of Kings.”
The lyrics to the chorus are:
King of Kings, Emmanuel Holy One of Israel Prince of Peace, the Blessed Lamb Born to wash away all the sins of man Let us join the angels as they sing Hallelujah, hallelujah, King of Kings
This week we focus on the third title for Jesus in the lyrics, the Prince of Peace.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Read those beautiful words carefully, my friend. Jesus said He would leave His peace with us, He gives it to us freely. Basically he tells us that we should not let our hearts be troubled because He has this.
Peace is defined as inner contentment or security and is something we all desire, but peace is something hard to feel during the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday season. Unfortunately, our lives can feel like hurricanes of worry and stress and our days become filled with things to do, places to go, and people to see…especially at this time of year!
The busy holiday season tries its best to trick us into believing that we have to have the perfect gift for everyone on our list, unending plates filled with holiday treats prepared to perfection, and a house decorated like a Norman Rockwell painting. With so much to do, I’m sure many of us feel anything but peaceful.
Our to-do lists blind us to what is important…Jesus coming down to earth!
I don’t know about you, but as I look at my list of things to do, cookies to bake, gifts to wrap, errands to run, I really need that peace right now. I literally yearn to be still and simply sit at Jesus’ feet and soak in His presence. I long to slow down and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. I feel like somewhat of a hypocrite writing about peace right now because I’ve had “one of those weeks” and I honestly don’t feel very peaceful.
But as I read those words from John, I’m reminded that I do have a choice in all of this. I can choose to not let my heart be troubled, and I can choose to reside in His perfect peace. The thing is, I really can simplify my life a little bit (or a whole lot!) if I make the choice to do so…and so can you! No one is going to freak out if the cookies don’t get made (okay, maybe I have to make ONE batch of my kids’ favorite!). Christmas will come whether I’ve found the best stocking stuffer ever…or not!
When you get down to it, peace is truly the best present we could ever give ourselves and others. When we totally let go, slow down, and surrender, our perspective changes drastically. Our “have to’s” become “get to’s.” Our problems can suddenly become opportunities for growth. Our struggles no longer have reign over us when we choose to not let our hearts be troubled and trust the Prince of Peace.
Jesus will slow our world down and put our feet back on the ground when we do one simple thing, stop long enough to let Him. The words Jesus said to his disciples in John 14:27 are as true for us as they were for them, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” This Christmas season, I want to do my best to change my tune and try to be someone who “will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands,” Isaiah 55:12.
I pray that you will join me in worshiping and celebrating what the season is really about and who Jesus came to earth to be…our Prince of Peace!
Father God, thank you for offering peace that surpasses all understanding. Help us feel Your peace in the midst of this busy holiday season. Thank you for guarding our hearts and our minds. I pray that you would slow our world down and remind us to rest at your feet. Thank you for being our Prince of Peace. Amen
By the way, King of Kings has moved up and is now No. 8 on the chart! We’re praying it goes to No. 1!
Love and hugs,

Jill Miller Christmas CD