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Blog – 3-7-18

As you read this blog, I will be on a plane on my way to Vietnam. Yes, Vietnam! I performed my Christmas Show in Sioux Falls last year for an organization called Hope Haven, International. Our show was a benefit for wheelchairs for Vietnam, and I am thrilled that they are taking me along to be an ambassador of sorts. I will hopefully be performing a concert or two while we are there, but we will see how that plays out. I’m excited to report that we filled a container with 250 wheelchairs that are actually already in Vietnam. They arrived on a cargo ship last month and await a group of us who will be distributing them over the course of the next 12 days.

Hope Haven is based out of Rock Valley, IA. Since 1994, they have been manufacturing and distributing wheelchairs to children and adults worldwide. For many of these people, owning a wheelchair in their country is a luxury. To date, 123,202 wheelchairs have been distributed to people in 108 countries. They are a solid Christian organization, and I love partnering with them because they have made an incredible impact both here in the States and internationally.

As I prepared to leave, I realized that this is a wonderful opportunity to live out the Great Commission Jesus gave us in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Since Vietnam is a communist country, we will have to be careful about how much of the Gospel we get to actually share, but we will be the hands and feet of Jesus nonetheless. The people we serve will see His love in our eyes, and we will carry His heart in our hands as we live out His command and go.

I feel giddy as I think about the excitement we will witness on the faces of children and adults as they are fitted with the exact right wheelchair for their situation. Mobility transforms lives because it offers independence and dignity, something they don’t have. I heard an incredible story of a woman from their last distribution in Vietnam who had two handicapped sons that she had to literally carry around, one tied to her back and one tied in front of her. These two boys were 11 and 16. Can you imagine! I can’t even fathom how much receiving those wheelchairs, something we take for granted, must have changed their lives. Praise God for the generosity of donors who made that miracle happen. And there will be more to come on this trip!

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m honored to be able to go. I’m grateful for the donors who made this trip possible. I’m a little anxious as well since I’ve never traveled this far before. But more than anything, I’m expecting God to move in mighty ways during this mission trip. I’m ready for my heart to be awakened to living conditions I can only imagine. I know I will have many compelling stories to share as I get the incredible privilege of witnessing lives changed by the gift of mobility.

I would love for you to join me by praying for this trip. Please pray for safe travel. Pray for strength and patience for the VERY long flight (over 23 hours of flight time, plus airport time!). Pray that God would be at work in the small things. Pray for patience and grace for the team from the U.S. and Canada who will be working diligently to get these wheelchairs to people who so desperately need them. Pray that lives are touched by the love of Christ. Also, please pray for the loved ones we leave behind who will be anxious the entire time we are gone (I know my husband will be!).

Here is a link to Hope Haven’s website if you would like to learn more about this fantastic organization. If you feel called to donate, go for it!

Thank you for your prayers. They mean the world to me. Stay tuned because I will be writing my next blog from Vietnam!

Hugs and love,


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